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Tension Load Cells

Dini Argeo Tension / Compression load cells are perfect for weighing suspended loads or for measuring tensile or compressive forces, breaking loads or weight peaks. They represent the easiest solution to weigh a hopper, a big bag or any other load that has an irregular shape.


STU-1K: Tension Load Cells for the Suspended Loads Weighing

Tension/Compression load cells, suitable for weighing in tension suspended loads and as overload checking and limitation, or for compression use in the creation of weighing systems with various load cells.


STFC Series Tension Load Cells

Tension load cells CE-M approved for suspended weighing of hoppers, tanks, etc.


STG Series Tension Load Cells

Tension or compression approved load cells for the weighing hoppers, tanks, scales with levers, and with other weighing devices.

SL 3

SL Series Tension Load Cells

Tension or compression load cells for weighing hoppers, tanks and with other weighing devices.

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